Tuesday, March 24, 2009

fifth assignment

the language and information and technology.
the fifth assignment.

The concordances.

According to the wikipedia resources,(http://en.wikipedia.org./wiki/concordancer),the concordances is a computer programtaht automatically constructs concordancers.The output of the concordancers may serve as input to a translation memory system for computer assisted translation.The concordancer also used in corpus linguistic to retrieve alphatecically or otherwi sorted lists of linguistic data from corpus in question.

Concordances had several it function.Concordances programme turn the electronic texts into the database which can search.Usually the words queries are always possible but most of the programme also offer the possibility of searching for word combinations within a specific range of words and looking up parts of words.

Concordancers search what is called the corpus(the plural is corpora),which is basically a database of language.There ara many in exstince in both general and specialised,although no corpus can be regarded as complete.Bear in mind that the concordances are only good for searching database.

The sources,http://www.usingenglish.com/articles/concordancers.html.

The summary for the article about the concordancer in ELT

In this article about the concordancers in ELT(English Language Teaching)

It is talking about the concordancer which is a piece of the software,either installed on a computer or accesed through the website which cab be used to search ,acces or analyse language from corpus.The concordancers can helps us in several ways.
The concordancers can be usefull to the students to search the information such as exploring the collocations,looking their own errors,understanding the different uses or meaning,finding the genuine examples and the material creation.However the there are several problems that related to the concordances.Its information are high standards that too challeging for the lower students.it is alsoThere are, however, some corpora which are collected from more restricted sources and some that are even collected from non native / student use of language. An example of one such concordancer is at: http://www.edict.com.hk/concordance .Secondly,Some online concordancers such as http://www.spaceless.com will search only selected web pages, so you can limit the amount of input your students get.
Nogt all the concordancers are usefull to the student and the teachers and some it can be complex.It is also about the internet connection where not all the students had access to the internet during the class.In conclusion,the conccordancers can be usefull to the students as well as the teachers as it important resources that helps the student and teacher to enchance their knowledge.

My personal view on the concordancers is that it is usefull to the students and teachers as the concordancers is a list of words in piece of the text or a collection of texts.It is usefull for the lingusitic people where he/she can learn the langugaes as well as the grammars and the words.It is also benefits to the teachers in certain subject that related to the languages.It is because the teachers are able to enhance their knowledge by getting the information from the cocnordances and assisting them in the language subject such as English Language teaching.The students were able improve their language proffeciency as the concordancers are providing the new words or language whcih is usefull and effective wasys.In conlusion,we say that the concordancers are very usefull to the students and the teachers iself in English language teaching.

25 MARCH 2009.

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