On this 15 september 2006,is the eve of the malaysia day.Tommorow it will rememberance day when Sabah dan sarawak joined the Federated states of Malaya in 16 september 1963 to form our nation what we called as Malaysia.I beg most of the people do not see the 16 september day as insignificant but to me as Sarawakian people,it is important day when Sabah and Sarawak joined the Peninsula Malaysia to form the new state that still existed today,Malaysia.
For 46 years,we have seen the changes when sabah and sarawak joined the Malay Peninsula to form the states of Malaysia.Before i elaborating issue further,let slook to the history before the existence of Malaysia.Before Malaysia existed in 1963,Senanjung Melayu or Malay peninsula was just achieved the independence day on 31 august 1957 from british colonial power,Sabah and Sarawak at that time was still in Crown Colony under british Colonial Powers.Somehow in 1960s,there is widely of the Confrotation Issues as well as the sentiments of People of Sabah and Sarawak for their nation need to achive the independence.During the 1960s,the issue of the creation of the malaysia which consist the Brunei,Singapore,Senanjung Malaya as well as the Sabah and Sarawak was first presented by the then prime Minister Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman during the speech at the Adelphi Hotel In Singapore.A commision called Cobold commision was set up which led by the UN member that lead by the Commisioner Lord Cobbold.The Cobold Commison consist five members which objectives to investigate whether the Sabah and Sarawak people are agreed or not agreed to join the Federated Malay state.
Despite that Sarawak and Sabah had been joined the malaysia since 1963,Sarawak state still lagging behind in terms of infrastructure and development that need to catch up with the other counterpart of state.Rural area like Kapit,Bario,Belaga,Julau and the Mukah are still poor in frastructure that badly needed such as road,water,electricty and the public ammenities such as School and so on.Despite Sabah and Sarawak disribute 90% oil royalty to Federal government,Sarawak still lagging behind of it . It is hope that old policy should be change this time and the oil royalty should increase from 5% to 30% oil royalty to the state government especially Sabah and Sarawak so that this two states continue to catch up fast development.To me as sarawakian,i see the huge gap between sabah and Sarawak and the Senanjung Malay.This disparity of the economy should not be existed.
However,the federal government should gave huge Financial allocation to the Sarawak and Sabah for this two east malaysian state are part of Malaysian.Discriminatory policies that related to the non muslims as well as the Dayak people should be abolished.The Governmet should be more transparent when helping to the other races such Dayak people,minority races likes Penan,Kelabit and Kenyah.Eventhough right know with introduction of the 1malaysian concept but to me i am doubt of it.Certain malaysian people especially the senanjung malay people still regard the sarawakian state as poor state in malaysia.I was very sad and disheartening of what the Senanjung people saying that the borneo people esepecially the sabah and sarawak people are poor state.Yet another previous statement by the Pas Chief saying that people in rural area still wearing Cawat.Such uncivil-minded people should be discard.
As Sarawakian people,i hope that incoming the future that sarawak state continue to be prosper and ruled by the Sarawakian people. Let us remind our selves that without the existence of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia,definely Name of Malaysia will not existed.Let remind to the younger Generation that the true Malaysian independence achieved when malaysian people celebrated the Malaysian independence on 16 september 1963.
Thank you
Hilary Hiew
15 september 2009.
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