The Sixth Assignment
The Title:Blog Questionnaire.
Tutorial Group:Group 4
1.Do you enjoy your blogging
Yes,because it is more interactive and yet enjoyable.
2.Based on your experiences what is benefit of blogging?
The benefit of blooging is that help the blogger in improve their writing skill because blog is about the online diary which required the blogger to write their thought,view as well as the diary.It will able to improve the writing skill as well as the communication too.Blog also can be more interactive as it will help the blogger ot express thier view or thought related to the any issue.Blog is also the alternative channel which helps their blogger express thier view as well as the opinion.Blog also can be interactive as it provided the software that help the blogger to improve and designing their blog.
3.Do you need more assistance to set up your blog?
Yes,in aspect of creativity and design the blog.
4.Do you have any memorable /favourite topic?
5.List 5 advantage of the blogging for you.
The five advantages of the blogging is able to improve the writing skill especially the
grammar.It is also helps the blogger to express thier views and though without fear as the
blog is the alternative channel.The blogger can able write the diary as the blog are more to the
online diary.Blog can be educational tool as it part of the online learning.
6.List of the 5 disadvantage of the blogging.
Certain blog contain the view or though which can lead to the defamation,smear campaign
as well as the spreading the false information or speculation if not properly control.Blog also
contain certain violence pictures as well as the uncensorship pictures as the blog have no rules
regulation of it.Blog sometimes required the blogger to spend a long time in blogging
and it is wasting of the time.
7.Will you continue the blogging after the course?
Yes,because it is interactive and yet fun.
8.Do you think blogging improve your writting?
Yes,because by blogging,it can help to improve the writting skill.
9.Do you think we should continue with blogging activity for the next batch of the student?
Yes,because student can learn a new thing such as blog as the Blog is the interesting to learn
and yet enjoyable.
10.Will you recommend your friend to blog?
11.Can you teach a friend to set up his or her blog?
2 APRIL 2009.
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