Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Artikel tentang Globalisasi dan Dimensi Globalisasi Menurut Pandangan Anthony Giddens.

Dalam membicarakan tentang isu-isu globalisasi, beberapa tokoh dan ilmuwan dari Barat mahupun timur telah membicarakan tentang definisi globalisasi. Tokoh-tokoh yang memberi sumbangan besar dalam membicarakan tentang globalisasi ialah Anthony Giddens, Ahli Sociologi dari Universiti of Cambrige, Manuel Castelles, Ulbrich Beck dari Munich University, Jan Ia Schoilte, Dr Yusuf Al Qardawi dari Universiti Al-Azhar. Tokoh tokoh ini telah mencorakkan pemikiran kita tentang proses globalisasi. Sebagai contoh,Ahli Sociologi dari Britain membicarakan tentang maksud globalisasi. Menurut Anthony Gidden, Globalisasi didefinisikan sebagai  penyahgandinagn ruang dan masa, memberikan penekanan kepada Komunikasi, ilmu pegetahuan dan budaya segera yang dapat dikongsi secara serentak di seluruh dunia. Di sini disertakan dengan pandangan beliau dalam isu-isu globalisasi.
The four dimensions of globalisation
according to Anthony Giddens
GLOPP, 2007 1
Summary by Gabriela Tejada

Giddens defines globalisation as the intensification of worldwide social relations linking distant
localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many thousands of
miles away and vice versa. Although every attempt at classifying the processes of globalisation
necessarily results in oversimplification and a reduction of complexity, Giddens defines four
dimensions of globalisation.

The most obvious one is the world capitalist economy. “The main centres of power in the world
economy are capitalist states – states in which capitalist economic enterprise is the chief form of
production. The domestic and international economic policies of these states involve many forms
of regulation of economic activity, but […] their institutional organisation maintains an “insulation”
of the economic from the political. This allows wide scope for the global activities of business
corporations, which always have a home base within a particular state but may develop many
other regional involvements elsewhere. […] The biggest transnational companies today have
budgets larger than those of all but a few nations. But there are some key respects in which their
power cannot rival that of states – especially important here are the factors of territoriality and
control of the means of violence. […] If nation-states are the principle “actors” within the global
political order, corporations are the dominant agents within the world economy” (Giddens 1991:
70/71). The influence of any particular state within the global political order is strongly conditioned
by its level of wealth (and the connection between this and military strength).

The nation-state system, the second dimension of globalisation, has long participated in the
reflexivity characteristic of modernity as a whole. “The very existence of sovereignty should be
understood as something that is reflexively monitored. Sovereignty is linked to the replacement of
“frontiers” by “borders” in the early development of the nation-state system: autonomy inside the
territory claimed by the state is sanctioned by the recognition of borders by other states.”
(Giddens 1991: 72-74)

“The third dimension is the world military order. As a result of the massive destructive power of
modern weaponry, almost all states possess military strength far in excess of that of even the
largest of pre-modern civilisations. Many economically weak Third World countries are militarily
powerful. During the Cold War, the two most militarily developed states, the United States and the
Soviet Union, built a bipolar system of military alliances of truly global scope. The countries
involved in these alliances necessarily accept limitations over their opportunities to forge
independent military strategies externally.“ (Giddens 1991: 74/75)

“The fourth dimension of globalisation concerns industrial development. The most obvious aspect
of this is the expansion of the global (international) division of labour, which includes the
differentiation between more and less industrialised areas in the world. Modern industry is
intrinsically based on division of labour, not only on the level of job tasks but on that of regional
specialisation in terms of type of industry, skills, and the production of raw materials. There has
undoubtedly taken place a major expansion of global interdependence in the division of labour
since the Second World War. […] One of the main features of the globalising implication of
industrialism is the worldwide diffusion of technologies. The impact of industrialism is plainly not
limited to the spheres of production, but affects many aspects of day-to-day life, as well as
influencing the generic character of human interaction with the material environment. […] Yet
industrialism has also decisively conditioned our very sense of living in “one world”. For one of the
most important effects of industrialism has been the transformation of technologies of
communication.” (Giddens 1991: 76/77)

A further and fairly fundamental aspect of globalisation, which lies behind each of the various
institutional dimensions that have been mentioned, might be referred to as cultural globalisation.
Adding a fifth dimension of globalisation, namely culture, gives us the following picture of five
main globalisation issues:

Backhaus, Norman (2003): Zugänge zur Globalisierung – Konzepte, Prozesse, Visionen. 2. Aufl.
Zürich. (38-41)
Danielli, Giovanni, Backhaus, Norman und Laube, Patrick (2002): Wirtschaftsgeografie und
globalisierter Lebensraum. Compendio Bildungswesen AG, Zürich. (206)
Giddens, Anthony (1991): The Consequences of Modernity. Polity Press. Cambridge. (70-78)

Source: http://www.glopp.ch/A3/en/multimedia/giddens.pdf


To all my friends and relatives,

In this Christmas 2011, i will like to say Merry Christmas to my mom and my dad in kuching, Sarawak. I wish both of them enjoy their Christmas season although i cant celebrate my christmas with them. But somehow i will celebrate Chinese New Year with them in 23 January 2012.

I also want to say Merry Christmas to my younger brother, Aaron Hiew and my elder brother , Edward Hiew@ Koko. Merry Christmas 2011. I wish them a good luck in their life.

Lets not forget that the christmas is not about  Santa Claus but also about the birth of our beloved Jesus Christ who was born on this special occasion. Merry Christmas to my friend especially Ales and other CSSUKM friend such as Christina, Scottt, Kelllie, Roy and so on. Merry christmas and happy new year 2012.


28 DECEMBER 2011.

p/s: Sorry for late posting. Thank you.

globalisasi sebagai satu proses pengamerikaan Dunia

Globalisasi sebagai satu proses Pengamerikaan Dunia.



Pada umun, proses globalisasi dianggap sebagai proses di mana belakunya pengerakan barang,modal,manusia dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yang lain. Proses globalisasi juga merujuk kepada masyarakat luar dimana setaip maklumat dan informasi dan juga kejadain yang belaku di sesuatu tempat akan diketahui umun oleh penduduk seluruh dunia dan hal ini menyebabkan proses maklumt dan informasi kini mula diketahui umun.

Namun proses globalisasi yang dipelopori oleh Amerika Syarikat sebagai kuasa besar dunia telah mula dilihat juga membawa proses globalisasi sebagai satu proses cubaan untuk mengamerikan dunia yang bererti negara negara seperti dunia pertama dan dunia ketiga harus menerima cara hidup amerika.

Menurut Yusuf Al Qardawi, Ahli Teologi dari Universiti Al-Azhar Mesir menyatakan bahawa dari segi sudut pandanggan islam proses globalisasi yang diwarwarkan oleh Amerika Syarikat sebagai satu proses cubaan untuk mengamerikakan dunia dengan secara paksaan mahupun rela. Hal ini dapat dilihat menerusi proses hemegoni dan proses neo imperialisme oleh Amerika Syarikat sebagai kuasa terbesar di dunia dengan memaksa negara-negara yang miskin terutama negara dunia-dunia ketiga tunduk terhadap kuasa besar tersebut. Proses Globalisasi oleh Amerika Syarikat juga menunjukan bahawa proses globalisasi sebenarnya cubaan untuk membawa budaya barat yang dikatakan yang bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai moral dalam ajaran Islam. Budaya-budaya Barat yang dimaksudkan adalah budaya seperti LGT, budaya hip-hop dan budaya kuning yang amat bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai Islam.

Yusuf Al-Qardawi juga menyatakan proses globalisasi oleh Amerika Syarikat memperlihatkan belakunya penindasan antara golongan yang menindas orang yang lemah. Sesungguhnya globalisasi juga dilihatkan mewujudkan belakunya jurang di antara negara yang kaya dengan negara yang miskin akibat sistem perdagangan yang tidak adil dan proses unsur kapitalis,

Dr Yusuf Al-Qardawi juga menyatakan dalam proses globalisasi, peranan pertubuhan antarabangsa seperti International Monetary Fund dan bank Dunia dilihat memberi pinjaman dan bantuan kewangan kepada negara-negara dunia ketiga namun pada masa yang sama, negara-negara dunia ketiga terpaksa membayar hutang yang tinggi berserta dengan kadar faedah yang tinggi yang menyebabkan negara-negara dunia ketiga terpaksa membayarnya. Dr Yusuf Al-Qardawi juga menyatakan dalam proses globalisasi, negara-negara selatan tidak mampu merangka dan bersaing dengan negara-negara dunia pertama yang jauh lebih maju dan membangun. Jelaslah bahawa Globalisasi merupaka satu era penjajahan yang baru ke atas negara dunia ketiga.

Dalam konteks pembangunan di malaysia. Negara Malaysia tidak dapat lari daripada proses globalisasi yang begitu kuat dalam proses pembangunan dan sosial. Sesunguhnya, kerajaan Malaysia Haruslah berhati-hati terhadap proses globalisasi kerana proses globalisasi merupakan proses Pengamerikaan dunia dan juga merupakan proses penjajahan dalam bentuk yang baru bukan sahaja dalam politik, malah juga proses sosial dan ekonomi.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Church Bombing incidence in Mlaysia;My Point of View.

I guess all of you outside hear a bad news that the three Church in Selangor attack by the arsonits.The news reported that three church were attacked by the arsonits in Klang Valley on friday 8 January 2010.

To me,it was very bad and i condemned such heinous attack that attack the other religious building.What is going in Malaysian Politics today? It is really ugly and bad.Such heinous attack should not occur in our multiracial society.To all malaysian christian outside,i urge them stay calm and peace.I never expected this new year 2010 attack is going be bad day after that such incidence.After the Cow incidence in selangor a year ago,here another incidence which should not occur in our society.To me, it was really disheartening and disappointed after the religion issue and sensitivy were used as main weapon to disrupt our unity and to attack other religious building.I urge the malaysian leader especially the DSN and IGP police to investigate this incidence in manner of transparent and bring those culprint who behind of this incidence to justice.As young people,i urge to all malaysian stay united and peace.Let us remind ourselves to learn history of other country such as lebanon,pakistan and India which had bad history in terms of tolerance religion and culture.I pray that such incidence shall not happened in our multiracial society.For years,we live in peace and harmony which our past leader build a stronmg unity for our generation.May the almighty God gives us wisdom and comppasionate in seeking of justice and truth in our life.

Let us remind our selves,regardless whether you are christian,Islam,Buddhist and Hindusim,we have one universal words: to live in peace and unity among all of us.Learn from history so that we can move forward in the future.Let us make our nation a better place for future generation.

Hilary Hiew.

New Year Resolution.

It has been long time for not update my blog.I admit i am not active blogger but it doest not me to update my blog.This year is the year of Tiger 2010.To all of you outside,it is not too late for me to say Happy New year to all of you.

For this year 2010, i had several new year resolution which i hope that i able to achieve it.First all,for this year 2010, i really hope that i am able to improve my CGPA and study well for my exam.For me,study is very important and core business to me as i still struggling to get good result.I hope that i can do well for my exam and be responsible students towards my study.
For 2010 year too i just want pray for the peace and tranquilty all over the world and also in my country.May the wisdom and compassionate guide our malaysian leader to be responsible leader in the future.For my new year resolution, i pray that my family especially my mom,my dad,my younger brother,Aaron A.K.A tito and my eldest brother,Koko will live happy and enjoy their life.I love you all.

To all of you,i wish you a happy new year and may you have a nice day.

Thank you.
Hilary Hiew.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Breakfsat sale on 13 september 2009.

Two days ago,i joined the Breakfast Sale which conducted by the CSSUKM@Catholic Student Society in UKM.The purpose of this Breakfast Sale is to raise the money to fund our incoming activities.To me,this is good activities which is interesting and yet fund to us.By Having this activities,it will definely promote spirit the unity among the members as well integrate with other member especially between junior and senior members.Such this activities are good for us for we able to sharpen our Soft skill which crucial to us especially undergraduate students so that this skill able to applied in our daily time.Here i compile with several pictures in above.Hope you enjoy of it.
I will like to say thank you to the member as well as the excos for conducting this event which is very crucial and meaningfull.As member of the CSSUKM,it is hope that this event shall be held again in the future to promote our spirit of brotherhood in Christ and thank God that everthing is planned well.

Adios Amigo,


15 SEPTEMBER 2009.

The 16 september day.A rememberance of the Sabah and Sarawak Joined the Malay Peninsula to form Malaysia.

On this 15 september 2006,is the eve of the malaysia day.Tommorow it will rememberance day when Sabah dan sarawak joined the Federated states of Malaya in 16 september 1963 to form our nation what we called as Malaysia.I beg most of the people do not see the 16 september day as insignificant but to me as Sarawakian people,it is important day when Sabah and Sarawak joined the Peninsula Malaysia to form the new state that still existed today,Malaysia.

For 46 years,we have seen the changes when sabah and sarawak joined the Malay Peninsula to form the states of Malaysia.Before i elaborating issue further,let slook to the history before the existence of Malaysia.Before Malaysia existed in 1963,Senanjung Melayu or Malay peninsula was just achieved the independence day on 31 august 1957 from british colonial power,Sabah and Sarawak at that time was still in Crown Colony under british Colonial Powers.Somehow in 1960s,there is widely of the Confrotation Issues as well as the sentiments of People of Sabah and Sarawak for their nation need to achive the independence.During the 1960s,the issue of the creation of the malaysia which consist the Brunei,Singapore,Senanjung Malaya as well as the Sabah and Sarawak was first presented by the then prime Minister Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman during the speech at the Adelphi Hotel In Singapore.A commision called Cobold commision was set up which led by the UN member that lead by the Commisioner Lord Cobbold.The Cobold Commison consist five members which objectives to investigate whether the Sabah and Sarawak people are agreed or not agreed to join the Federated Malay state.

Despite that Sarawak and Sabah had been joined the malaysia since 1963,Sarawak state still lagging behind in terms of infrastructure and development that need to catch up with the other counterpart of state.Rural area like Kapit,Bario,Belaga,Julau and the Mukah are still poor in frastructure that badly needed such as road,water,electricty and the public ammenities such as School and so on.Despite Sabah and Sarawak disribute 90% oil royalty to Federal government,Sarawak still lagging behind of it . It is hope that old policy should be change this time and the oil royalty should increase from 5% to 30% oil royalty to the state government especially Sabah and Sarawak so that this two states continue to catch up fast development.To me as sarawakian,i see the huge gap between sabah and Sarawak and the Senanjung Malay.This disparity of the economy should not be existed.

However,the federal government should gave huge Financial allocation to the Sarawak and Sabah for this two east malaysian state are part of Malaysian.Discriminatory policies that related to the non muslims as well as the Dayak people should be abolished.The Governmet should be more transparent when helping to the other races such Dayak people,minority races likes Penan,Kelabit and Kenyah.Eventhough right know with introduction of the 1malaysian concept but to me i am doubt of it.Certain malaysian people especially the senanjung malay people still regard the sarawakian state as poor state in malaysia.I was very sad and disheartening of what the Senanjung people saying that the borneo people esepecially the sabah and sarawak people are poor state.Yet another previous statement by the Pas Chief saying that people in rural area still wearing Cawat.Such uncivil-minded people should be discard.

As Sarawakian people,i hope that incoming the future that sarawak state continue to be prosper and ruled by the Sarawakian people. Let us remind our selves that without the existence of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia,definely Name of Malaysia will not existed.Let remind to the younger Generation that the true Malaysian independence achieved when malaysian people celebrated the Malaysian independence on 16 september 1963.

Thank you
Hilary Hiew
15 september 2009.